Thursday, January 9, 2020

Confucius Lives Next Door Essay - 1038 Words

Confucius Lives Next Door The term â€Å"Confucianism† is often regarded as a complex mechanism of social, political, moral as well as religious beliefs that have considerable influence especially upon the civilizations belonging to the East Asian countries such as China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, North Korea, South Korea along with Singapore and Vietnam. With reference to the observation made by Reid (1999), it can be viewed that a clear depiction about different principles and beliefs exists within the sphere of â€Å"Confucianism†. Therefore, the major purpose of this report is to briefly review of T. R. Reid’s book â€Å"Confucius Lives Next Door: What Leaving In The East Teaches Us About Living In the West† through concisely unfolding the experience of†¦show more content†¦According to Reid, a few of the major â€Å"Confucianism† ethos and practices involve ‘Ren’, ‘yi’ and ‘li’ which represents the conce pt of ‘altruism’ along with clear depiction of the humanness for other individuals (Reid 29-66). THE INFLUENCE OF CONFUCIANISM IN THE JAPANESE CULTURE In relation to the observation made by Reid, the concept of â€Å"Confucianism† is often observed as one of the major Chinese religions alongside Taoism as well as Buddhism. The religion has been emerged in the Japanese culture during the period of 285 AD. A few of the major principles of this religion such as humanity, morality, trustworthiness along with the consideration of developing an individual have been widely witnessed to provide significant influence within the Japanese culture (Reid 67-90). The principles and beliefs within the facet of â€Å"Confucianism† had played an imperative part particularly for Japan which eventually strengthened its political philosophies as well as ethical code of conducts by a considerable level. In relation to the political phenomenon, the notion of â€Å"Confucianism† had played an essential role for the Japanese culture in terms of developing morality along with increa sing individual potentials of achieving their desired goals and objectives. Moreover, the religion had also been widely observed to create significant loyalty among the Japanese communities through increasing the amount ofShow MoreRelatedThe Book Confucius Lives Next Door 853 Words   |  4 Pages The book â€Å"Confucius Lives Next Door† is a remarkable read for everyone but, in particular I felt it to be one for my generation I believe this book should speak to us on an academic and a moral level. 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