Sunday, December 8, 2019

Cloud Computing Future Generation Computer Systems

Question: Discuss about the Cloud Computing for Future Generation Computer Systems. Answer: Remote Administration Remote administration is defined as the process that is used to control a device from a remote place like from other room or even another part of the world (Dinh et al., 2013). The requirements of the remote administration are as follows: Network Security Network security must be enforced on the service used for remote administration. This is to ensure unauthorized activity or breach on the network (Erl, Puttini Mahmood, 2013). Remote administration networks are vulnerable to security breach attacks and hence proper protections should be used. Pass Code Encryption Pass codes used for accessing the remote administration network must be strongly encrypted in order to provide an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access (Beloglazov, Abawajy Buyya, 2012). Unauthorized access is a common problem that may be used by even the internal employees of the company. Hence, strong pass code encryption is necessary. Resource Management Resource management of the company will depend on the cloud service chosen by the company i.e. IaaS, PaaS or SaaS. Management of cloud computing resources requires enforcement of some working policies (Zissis Lekkas, 2012). These policies should include specification of the necessary parameters like management of workloads in the cloud server, allocation of storage capacity to different documents, balancing of load and energy optimization. Another important requirement in the resource management process is the management of the computer systems, access networks as well as the cloud server according to necessary parameters (Fernando, Loke Rahayu, 2013). The parameters depend on the cloud vendor chosen and the requirements of the operations done in the organization. Management of these resources include optimization and configuration of the devices, balancing and securing the network and application of strong network security over the cloud server used by the organization (Li et al., 2013). SLA Management For the management of SLA (Service Level Agreement), several factors are to be considered. These factors are scope, quality and responsibilities (Xu, 2012). Scope includes the possible functions in which the cloud service from the provider or vendor can be applied. The service provider or cloud vendor provides a range of services. These services can be applied to different operations of the organization. For quality, the organization has to check the service provider by analyzing the requirements (Younis Kifayat, 2013). Different service providers provide a variety of services and qualities differ according to the prices or the size / credibility of the vendor. The quality of the services affects the operations of the company and hence management of qualities of the services is necessary. Responsibilities include fulfilling contracts, paying agreed amounts, providing the promised services and undertaking a proper business between the organization and the service provider (Garg, Vers teeg Buyya, 2013). The chosen vendor for the purpose of DSI is CloudCentral. For the vendor, different criteria are to be followed regarding the availability of application resilience, back up and disaster recovery. Application Resilience This is defined as the immunity power of a software or interface towards errors or disasters. In most of the softwares, some immunity factors are added as default so that in case of disasters or system failures, not all the data used in the software are lost altogether (Wang et al., 2012). In cloud computing service, application resilience is defined by the power of the virtual interface to prevent errors or disasters from damaging all the data stored in them. For the cloud vendor, the application resilience must be checked before implementing the services (Jadeja Modi, 2012). In an organization like DSI, there are a large number of systems connected to the same network and use the same cloud storage space. Some cases may arise when one system failure causes error in the cloud server or a sudden power cut during an operation causes complete shutdown of the system. Moreover, there may be security breach attacks that force errors in the systems (Kliazovich, Bou vry Khan, 2012). Hence, the service from the vendor must be checked to analyze whether the vendor provides in-built application resilience system. Back Up The service provider or cloud vendor must provide backup services in case some important data or documents are lost. There have been many cases when due to server or external errors, many critical documents, data and information have been lost. In order to save data from losing permanently, backup systems are needed (Chen Zhao, 2012). Previously, the physical storage devices were used in the organizations and the backup system were kept in the same drive as the original storage. Hence, the basic purpose of backup devices failed in case of complete system failure. In the modern cloud computing system, since virtual storage system is used, two separate areas are used. One area is for the main storage and the other for the backup storage. Once a day, the updated documents are copied and sent to the backup storage, which is then disconnected from the main system. This backup storage is kept in case the main system fails and the whole system is destroyed. Disaster Recovery This is defined as the ability of the system to retrieve the documents after they are lost or deleted accidentally. This is needed in the case when an employee deletes some critical data accidentally or some data is lost due to system errors (Sanaei et al., 2014). During these cases, retrieval of the data is necessary. Moreover, this is necessary in case the backup system also fails or data from the backup system also gets lost. Again, there have been cases like large scale disaster like mass cyber attack, large scale blackout or complete system failure in the whole organizations during the operational period (Rong, Nguyen Jaatun, 2013). In these cases, many data, operational values and other critical information get lost. The disaster recovery system is needed in order to recover the systems from the error and retrieve all the data. These are the factors that are necessary to be present in the cloud service and availability must be checked before signing in with the cloud vendor. The SLA guidelines are followed along with some cloud solution providers procedures (Erl, Puttini Mahmood, 2013). The procedures are included as following application of cloud consumers majority and resources responsibility. Business case mapping to SLA: The service supplier ensures fulfillment the customers network infrastructure demands even if they encounter severe difficulties and errors. With this infrastructure representation, companies can always be certain that they will be able to access any information technology asset whenever they need (Garg, Versteeg Buyya, 2013). IaaS suppliers are able to guarantee about more or less 99% availability with 100 percent uptime. This was observed and reported by the Service Level Agreement (SLA). In the IaaS cloud computing infrastructure, numerous servers can operate at once. The use of the virtualization for providing only the assets that a specific client needs ultimately provides a great scalability to most of the commercial requirements (Kliazovich, Bouvry Khan, 2012). In such cases, the cloud service provider has the skill for sizing the assets without the errors and the user requires paying only what they use. On the other hand, traditional networking needs payment for everything, starting from hardware to its installation and maintenance (Li et al., 2013). The company should take these factors in consideration. Working with cloud and SLA on-premises: These tasks include installation and management of virtual computer devices and servers for guest clients as well as employees, managing fundamental server bands, and examining continuing event like utilization of storage discs, network operations, active events, and authorized or unauthorized activities (Rong, Nguyen Jaatun, 2013). This characteristic inflicts strict policies defined by the parent enterprise on the basic infrastructure areas that only a specific user or a group of users can access. Based on these strategies, conditioning and deleting of resources can turn into computerized processes (Sanaei et al., 2014). Moreover, the main distinction between customary and IaaS cloud computing is the virtualization that permits for scalability by providing nearly infinite resources to the customers. In the local hosting of computing infrastructure, the hardware server is permanent and more resources are required for its upgrade. Determining the SLA scope: A combined event manager hub must be built in the data centre of the cloud computing operation system. This hub is needed to assemble errors and event collection of all the connected systems and then counter the errors (Wang et al., 2012). The errors are generally filtered, forwarded and processed by automatic response and alarm system. The event management hub is used to connect system errors and activities, finish the event level incorporation, and complete the implementation of application operation observation level. During this time, the observation of the operation status of the network and Information Technology (IT) infrastructure is necessary for achieving concurrent discovery and alerts of the errors (Xiao, Song Chen, 2013). Compilation and sorting of observed data can act as a basis for the analysis of capacity management, event management, error management and agreement management. It is also needed to achieve the ultimate goals of the data cen tre. Understanding the SLA monitoring: Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is a set of guidelines developed in the late 20th century by CCTA. These guidelines offer several objectives, precise and quantitative norms and standards for the information technology, which the company must follow before implementing cloud computing (Xu, 2012). ITIL is structured to guide companies to use modern technologies professionally so that they can use existing resources more effectively. Incorporating non-measurable requirements: Furthermore, ITIL V3 provides activity guidelines for serving life span management. Via the wide-ranging combined design of workflow management system, several objectives can be achieved. These are: natural incorporation of employees, technology and events for achieving method computerization (Younis Kifayat, 2013). This can be attained by auto preparation of workflow engine for mechanization of the process. It is very suitable for the operator to complete daily procedures with the help of relevant management process for improving the quality of information technology services and productivity of IT sectors. Archiving SLA data: On the other hand, by implementing service management tools for information technology, repeated services can be improved (Zissis Lekkas, 2012). Abiding by the international standards of the service management of information technology, ITIL defines the reasonable relations between all the processes. 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