Thursday, November 7, 2019

A Temperature Effect essays

A Temperature Effect essays Enzymes are protein catalysts that speed up the rate of specific biological reactions. The first thing to notice in enzyme characteristics is that enzymes are almost all proteins, often globular proteins. They are long chains of amino acid units held together by peptide bonds. Enzymes are much more specific than simple catalysts. Numerous reactions occur within a cell and it is the enzymes job to assist by reducing the activation energy required to set a reaction going. The name enzyme was suggested in 1867 by a German physiologist Wilhelm Kuhne. It was later, in 1894, a German biochemist Emil Fischer found the lock and key hypothesis of enzyme action. ( 1) A catalyst is defined as a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without itself being permanently changed during the process. ( 2) In this experiment the purpose was to see if temperature has an effect on the activity of catalysts. METHODS Starting the experiment, a drop of the liver extract and a dropper of tap water were placed into four tubes. Number each tube 1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A for reference. Next, with different test tubes, place 1 dropper of hydrogen peroxide into each tube, labeling them 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B for reference. Corresponding tubes were placed together so both would be at the same temperature. In a cup of crushed ice, place tubes 1A and 1B into the cup. Tubes 2A and 2B place in the test tube rack at room temperature. In a beaker of water measuring 70 C, place tubes 3A and 3B. In a beaker of boiling water, tubes 4A and 4B were placed together. After each tube is in its designated place, let them sit for five minutes (enough time for the reactions to occur). After time has passed, place corresponding tubes into ...

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